Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lost in the Woods ....

After the excellent time at the school this morning, we headed to a coffee plantation which is also a hotel and a restaurant. Great stuff. The place was wonderful with a beautiful view of the mountains and an excellent menu. Established by a German family years ago, the place is a working coffee plantation that had just gone through it's harvest. But the other attractions are the best part. Wonderful food and lots of walking trails through the mountains, some that went for miles up the slopes and through some serious jungle. The trees were huge and you could hear the animals making all sorts of noises: from the birds, to the monkeys, to who knows what. The trails were challenging but absolutely beautiful.

Ok - you may be hearing from some of the team that I was lost in the woods with Courtney and Sarah. Well, after walking around for a couple of hours, up a slope to the highest part of of the plantation, part of which was in the dark, I can honestly say that we weren't lost. We were doubling back down the trail we traveled up the mountain and were almost back to the restaurant when the search party found us. Actually about 5 minutes from reaching the parking lot. Yes - they had just sent out a search party.

Anyway, it was so dark that we had to use the only light we had: my camera. It didn't do too bad. Sarah was a bit nervous, but we started singing and made so much noise, we even scared away the insects.

Once we made it back to the restaurant there was a significant amount of well deserved ribbing, something that will last for a few days - or as Roger said, for a long, long time. Then we consulted the map and realized that we had climbed to the highest point on the trails: and it stops about the place we turned around. 1500 meters above the hotel/restaurant.

It's late and I'm headed to a bed....

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